They are not necessarily the only techniques that work, but these are the standard and proven approaches. This includes techniques such as visual ballistics and roulette computers. To this means the only truly effective systems exploit roulette wheel physics. So you may as well be making random bets. As such, it doesn’t change the odds of winning. This is because the Martingale does not even consider where the ball lands. It won’t work on live dealer roulette, automated roulette wheels, or random number generators. Because if you use a garbage system like the Martingale, it won’t work on any wheel. If you are unfamiliar with advantage play, I suggest seeing the page that explains why systems do or don’t work. I’m assuming you at least have basic understanding of winning roulette systems. This article discusses the differences between live dealer roulette, and auto roulette. It involves a real physical roulette wheel and the ball.